Mike Clancy, the deputy general secretary of Prospect, will visit the Island on Thursday (November 13) to provide reassurance to Union members amid growing concerns over the Government review of public sector pensions.
Clancy’s held the post since 2004 and has had overall responsibility for the Island since that time.
His tenure has seen an upsurge in membership on the Island and an increased resource commitment to the Island, making Prospect the second largest union here with a membership dominated by public sector workers.
His visit will encompass visits to workplaces covering Prospect members in the civil service and Manx Electricity Authority.
Speaking of his visit, Clancy said: ‘We are committed to protecting our members’ interests in a balanced, pro-active and positive manner – and we seek to work in partnership with the Isle of Man Government to achieve that.
‘I’ll be particularly interested to hear our members’ reactions first hand to recent Government reassurances and see this as the main focus of my visit.
‘We will be seeking ways in which we can input those views constructively moving forward and it’s important we gauge feeling at every opportunity.’
Following the meeting, Prospect expects to seek renewed dialogue with the Government on the issue, prior to the release of the next stage of the review in December.
Thursday 13th, November 2008 07:55pm.