The Chief Executive Officer of Cable and Wireless in the Isle of Man will be the guest speaker at the first Chartered Management Institute seminar of 2009.
Eddie Saints, who’s also CEO in the Channel Islands and Bermuda, will deliver a talk on ‘Managing in uncertain and challenging times’ on Monday (January 19) at the Hilton Hotel, Douglas.
During 22 years with the company, Mr Saints has overseen a number of management and legal challenges in the telecom’s industry, including major market reforms which ultimately led to a change in the global method for accounting for the cost of long-distance calls.
Mr Saints said: ‘I am really looking forward to meeting members of the Island’s branch of the Chartered Management Institute and finding out from them what they see as the biggest challenges facing their businesses in the current economic climate.
‘Communication is vital to helping a company grow, improving efficiency and linking people around the world probably now more than ever.
‘My journey through the telecoms industry, from what it was when I started in 1986 to where we are today, has been fascinating and a great learning curve for me.
‘It is a pleasure to be able to meet people in this kind of environment and talk about my experiences. I am sure it will be a very interesting evening.’
The seminar is open to all and free to CMI members.
To register or for more information, you can contact Mike Kermode on 813734 or email
The talk begins at 6.15pm.
Thursday 15th, January 2009 08:06pm.