A survey of Island companies estimates the e-gaming sector grew by 30 per cent last year – and that’s predicted to accelerate to 40 per cent this year.
The survey, conducted by the Manx e-Gaming Association, working closely with the Department of Trade & Industry which promotes the sector, has been welcomed by Minister David Cretney (pictured).
‘The Isle of Man has consciously established itself as an internationally recognised centre for responsible e-Gaming activity. This survey shows that strategy is a success, helping the companies that base themselves here to fulfill their potential, while contributing to the Isle of Man’s continued growth in what is a difficult global economic climate.
‘This government will continue to work closely with this vibrant sector to facilitate continued success in the industry and build on our reputation as a responsible international business centre.’
e-Gaming provides over 460 diverse and skilled employment opportunities in the Island and the companies surveyed expect there to be significant growth in IT and Finance positions.
Head of e-Gaming development at DTI Garth Kimber added: ‘This survey confirms e-Gaming in the Isle of Man is now a well-developed, highly-diverse sector. Furthermore, the eight licences approved in 2008, plus the large number of applications for licences in 2009, is a good leading indicator of the further growth we can expect to see in the future. Businesses are coming here because the Isle of Man genuinely has much to offer.’
Chairman of MeGA John Webster believes e-Gaming appears to be vibrant despite the global recession.
‘It may be that people are opting to enjoy gaming online as an inexpensive substitute to other forms of leisure,’ he said.
‘MeGA is delighted the Isle of Man has provided a sound base for our businesses to grow and, in turn, the Island has benefited from this success in terms of quality employment opportunities, GDP growth and government revenue. This sector offers tremendous potential for further growth if the Island continues to provide a welcoming environment.’
Thursday 12th, February 2009 03:06pm.