
Spotlight on Media and Marketing in the Digital Age

by 27th March 2009

'Do companies get the press they deserve?' was the question posed by independent communications consultant Stewart Gowans on Thursday evening (26th March), when he gave a talk organised by the Isle of Man branch of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).


The event, which took place at the Hilton Hotel, was sponsored by and attended by CIM members and representatives from the Isle of Man Government and media.


David Le Prevost (Managing Director) and Gavin Smith (General Manager) from first gave a short address in which they highlighted the company's relevance to the evening's topic as a powerful member of the 'new media'.


The talk's title question, quickly answered in the affirmative by the speaker, was the gateway into a fascinating talk about the relationship between business and the media, and how rapid advances in internet technology, which have spawned the growth of 'social media', are impacting on both the fortunes of companies and the traditional press.


Mr Gowans, a persuasive and likeable speaker, entertained the audience with notorious instances of companies - and US presidents - mis-handling their press to devastating effect. Citing Gerald Ratner, Exxon Valdez and McDonalds (for their instigation of the long-running 'McLibel'battle) as shining examples of 'what not to do', he proceeded to give advice to companies in their dealings with the media. Don't undermine your core proposition, ran one mantra, and never let your Chief Executive speak in public.


He went on to highlight the way in which the power of the web is brewing a 'perfect storm' for traditional media, as more and more people globally consume their news, views and entertainment online, turning away from 'real time' radio, broadcast TV and print newspapers. Amongst the consequences he described were the sharp decrease in advertising revenue for newspapers and the subsequent impact of cost-cutting on the role of journalists.


Mr Gowans brought home his talk with an exploration of how the 'multi-jurisdictional and unlicensed' web is affecting companies' handling of  their public perception. With no established methodology for managing social media, businesses need to monitor their brand globally and need to learn how to use internet technologies to their advantage. In short, said Mr Gowans, modern companies cannot afford not to engage with the 'world's big conversation' - the web. Finally, however, he noted that certain core values - transparency and integrity - remain not only undiminished but more vital than ever.


A lively question session focused on the Isle of Man's currrent media tribulations and Mr Gowans emphasised to the Government the importance of being in 'receiving' as well as 'broadcast mode', actively monitoring press perceptions of the Island. Richard Slee, Chairman of the Isle of Man branch of CIM, concluded the evening by thanking Mr Gowans for his talk.


Gavin Smith commented, 'This event touched on what is surely the biggest media revolution since the invention of the television, covering the power of the Internet and social media. For us at, providing local businesses with online media coverage is what the future is all about, and the power of the web in disseminating and finding information is unquestionable. The more we can publish at for local businesses, that is then seen by our local and global visitors (200,000 uniques from over 200 countries in the last six months) and found when people use search engines, the more likely we can 'slingshot' potential new customers to them. The great thing is we're neither limited by physical publishing space at, nor distribution, so the more news, the merrier!'


The next CIM Isle of Man event takes place on 21st May 2009 at the Hilton Hotel. Alistair Audsley will give a talk on 'Championing a Nation', looking at the importance of branding in the context of the Isle of Man's Freedom to Flourish campaign. The event starts at 5.30pm and finishes at 7pm. For more information, email


Pictured (l-r): David Le Prevost, Stewart Gowans and Gavin Smith

Posted by
Friday 27th, March 2009 11:01pm.

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