Barclays Wealth supported a Parkinson’s Disease medical information day yesterday (13th May) as part of Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Week, and to mark the 20th Anniversary of the Isle of Man Branch of the Parkinson's Disease Society.
The Isle of Man Branch is a Manx-registered charity, which supports research into the cause of the illness and assists Island residents who suffer from the condition.
The full-to-capacity medical information day at Mount Murray Golf and Country Club was opened by Health Minister Eddie Teare MHK.
It featured presentations from a range of relevant professionals from both on and off Island, including Professor Peter Jenner, a specialist in Parkinson’s research at King’s College, London; Carolyn Noble, Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist from Peterborough; Dr John Thomas, Isle of Man Noble’s Hospital Consultant and Sue Lawley Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist (Isle of Man).
Pamela Shimwell-Mayo, local Parkinson’s Diesase Society (Isle of Man) branch Founder and Chairman, commented ‘We are most grateful for Barclays Wealth’s key support for this information day. With between 400 - 500 sufferers on the Island it is vital to help both people with Parkinson’s and their carers to learn more about this ongoing disease which at present has no known cure.’
Barclays Wealth’s Ian Pilley, Vice President of Banking Operations, added ‘Every year Barclays Wealth staff donate and help raise many thousands of pounds to support the local community and for Isle of Man-registered charities, as well as giving hundreds of days of time to worthy causes.
‘Charities and events such as this are an invaluable part of Island-life and as such we are pleased to be able to offer our support. Each year, Barclays Wealth staff vote for a main charity for the year, which is the focus for the majority of the fundraising, but we also able to support other charities and events such as this through our community grant scheme, the beneficiaries of which are again decided by our staff.
'As usual, we will be supporting further selected charities and events throughout 2009.’
Anyone interested in more information about the Parkinson's Disease Society (Isle of Man Branch) should contact Chair Pamela Shimwell-Mayo on (01624) 897504.
Pictured (l-r): Greg Ellison (Managing Director of Barclays Wealth), Mrs Pamela Shimwell-Mayo (Chairperson of the Parkinson’s Disease Society (Isle of Man), and Eddie Teare MHK (Health Minister).
Thursday 14th, May 2009 05:25pm.