Continent 8 Technologies hosted the latest in a series of meetings held by the Isle of Man Facilities Forum, a group set up to raise the awareness of facilities management on the Island as well as facilitating the sharing of ideas and solutions.
The forum was pleased to welcome Ian Broadbent, the Chair of the north region of the British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM and incoming Deputy Chair of the BIFM, to present at this meeting. Ian is also the Director of Group Property Services for the Hallmark Cards group based in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
The presentations concentrated on the qualifications available to the Island’s facilities professionals as part of their continued personal development. Ian focused his presentation on the new qualifications and membership routes available within the BIFM.
Steve Goodburn, (Facilities Manager, Continent 8 Technologies) who has recently passed his Masters degree in Facilities Management and Helen Elms, (Facilities Consultant, Zurich International Life) who has taken the BIFM Part 1 examination, discussed their own experiences in advancing their professional qualifications and development.
If you are interested in joining the Isle of Man Facilities Forum please contact Steve Goodburn at or visit to find out more about the BIFM qualifications.
Pictured (l to r): Steve Goodburn (Continent 8 Technologies), Helen Elms (Zurich International Life) and Ian Broadbent (British Institute of Facilities Management).