The next speaker in the regular series of business focussed lectures organised by the local branch of the Chartered Management Institute will be Chris Green a former Board Director and Chairman of the Business Continuity Institute.
Titled as ‘Business Continuity - Who Needs It?’ the talk will ask business leaders if their business continuity plans are up to date and relevant and have they been tested to see if it works.
Speaker Chris Green read Immunology with Physiology at the University of London and served four years as a Paramedic with the London Ambulance Service. In 1986, he moved to Australia and began a career in computing, holding various positions before moving to the Australian Mutual Provident Society. After managing a number of technical projects, he was asked to establish and develop the Society's Business Continuity Management program.
Returning to the UK, Chris held the role of Head of Business Continuity for the Halifax Bank of Scotland Group from 2000 to early this year. He was responsible for strategy, oversight and functional leadership of the Business Continuity programs in the Bank's varied businesses. In his latest role he is responsible for the oversight and assurance of the Bank's major sourcing and outsourcing arrangements.
He then spent two years as Chair of the Business Continuity Institute and for the last 3 years has been Chair of the technical committee which developed the British Standard for Business Continuity Management, BS-25999.
The lecture is free and open to all and takes place at the Hilton on Monday 16 July 2009 at 6.00 pm. If you would like to stay afterwards, the Hilton put on a cold starter, main course and dessert or cheese course. The cost of the meal is ?19.50 but the lecture only is free. All are welcome. Please book in with branch secretary Mike Kermode via mikekermode @ or write to Mike Kermode, Lismolin, Port Lewaigue, Maughold, IM7 1AG or call Mike on 813734.