The Department of Trade and Industry is pleased to announce the publication of the updated report on the Isle of Man Retail Study conducted by Roger Tym and Partners Ltd., a Glasgow-based retail consultancy.
This document is an updated version of the draft report issued for consultation in August last year.
It incorporates both consultation comments plus the results of additional industry research conducted by the Department in partnership with the Retail Committee of the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce.
The Minister for Trade and Industry Hon David Cretney MHK stated 'I welcome the release of this report, which now provides a definitive picture of the current position of the Island’s retail sector and its prospects for further economic development.
'I am grateful to the private sector for their assistance in gathering the necessary data and giving their views on the draft report such that the report is comprehensive and informative.
'In particular, working with the Chamber of Commerce, new research on retail floorspace and turnover has enabled realistic and up-to-date projections of current and future capacity requirements to be prepared.
'These will be of critical importance in the future consideration of some high profile development proposals concerning the retail sector.'