In a year when the words ‘credit crunch’ affects us all, it is very easy for companies to reduce their training and focus purely on getting the job done
This has not been the case at AXA (IOM), which this year has taken a different approach by encouraging staff to find out more about the business and the areas within which they work.
As part of this development, many staff expressed an interest in pursuing professional qualifications but were concerned about the study and exam practice involved.
Therefore at the suggestion of an Investment Manager, an in-house support group for staff was formed, mainly from the Investment teams to help study for the Investment Administration Qualification.
This was a total new venture for AXA (IOM), which saw managers and senior staff with investment and regulatory knowledge deliver study modules to the group over eight weeks.
The modules were two hours in length and designed to be interactive. The final two weeks before the July exam were spent revising and practicing test questions with the support of managers.
With eight passes the results were very impressive.
Head of Investments Adam Kneen said, 'We are delighted with the results. It shows that even in tough times it is possible, with a little extra work, dedication, organisation and a keen workforce, to beat the credit crunch and give staff the development they deserve and need, to perform at their best.'