Investing in flu vaccines for your staff is a wise financial decision, according to Douglas based Independent Medical Services (IMS).
Dr Simon McAndry (pictured), Managing Director of IMS, commented, “As everyone knows, seasonal flu is a debilitating illness often leaving the patient still suffering up to two weeks after the initial symptoms have presented themselves.
"This can reduce staff performance, and so more companies are opting to offer the flu vaccine to workers. The flu vaccination gives up to 80% protection – and can really impact on levels of absence.
“Some businesses consider investing in flu vaccinations to be a costly exercise; however losing key people in the workplace for up to two weeks can be more so.”
Dr McAndry also points out that staff appreciate their employer caring about their health.
He continued, “Unfortunately, seasonal flu vaccination will not protect against swine flu and a separate vaccine for that should be available soon, but the way in which this is going to be distributed is not yet clear.”
IMS recommends the best time to administer the seasonal flu vaccine is before December, as levels peak between December and March. The vaccination has to be repeated every year.
IMS staff can administer the vaccinations at their office in Douglas, or in the workplace. Staff are appropriately trained to deal with any adverse reactions, and will offer pre and post vaccination advice.
Dr McAndry concluded, “People worry about side effects from the vaccination but it is usually very well tolerated, apart from occasional soreness at the site of the injection.
"Very rarely people get a mild feverish reaction lasting a couple of days, but because the vaccine contains inactivated virus, it cannot itself cause flu.
“People of all ages opt to have the vaccine now to avoid the misery that seasonal flu can bring. Companies should consider protecting staff - and their levels of productivity.”