The International Business School is hosting two CPD (Continuing Professional Development) seminars in the coming weeks.
The first, which takes place on Thursday 26th November, will see Noel Hayes, Chariman and Founder of Manx2, speaking on Why Small Islands are the Birthplace of Big Airlines.
Noel will cover several issues, including customer service in a small community, and competition and monopoly within the airline industry.
The second seminar, titled Driving Risk Management Change Through Regulation, will be on Friday 27th November.
The first speaker will Dr Jeo Lee, who is a researcher for applied research in Banking, Finance and Financial Regulation, as well as lecturer in Economics and Finance, at the International Business School.
The second is Bob McDowall, a research director at TowerGroup's European headquarters in London.
The seminar will explore the challenges and opportunities in risk management for banks, especially regarding regulatory trends.
CPD Seminars are described as 'a convenient way for you to learn something new, develop your knowledge of a specialist subject and meet like minded people - all in your lunch hour!'
Both seminars will run from 12.30pm until 1.45pm and cost ?15 (includes buffet lunch).
Places are open to anyone but limited, so interested parties are encouraged to book their place as soon as possible (and no later than three working days before the seminar).
For a booking form and further details, contact the IBS on (01624) 693709 or email enquiries(at)