Moore Stephens Isle of Man has donated ?2,5000 to Sailing for the Disabled as part of its 'gold corporate' sponsorship.
Ayuk Ntuiabane, Director of Moore Stephens Yachting, commented, "We are very happy to support Sailing for the Disabled which is a wonderful charity on the Island.
"In fact, the Moore Stephens yachting operation has great synergy with the local yachting community. We appreciate the freedom of movement and enjoyment which being on a yacht can give to everybody and we identify with the particular efforts of this charity in providing sailing opportunities to persons with disabilities."
The Moore Stephens logo will now take pride of place on Sailing for the Disabled’s Pride of Mann II vessel which is based in Douglas inner harbour.
She was selected for the charity’s use as she required no special modifications to meet the needs of the disabled and is equipped to RYA standards. A hoist and sling on board allows easy transfer from shore to boat and down to cabin for sailors who are wheelchair users.
Speaking about the new sponsorship, Martin Sewell, fundraising manager for the charity, said, "We are very grateful for the support and generosity of Moore Stephens Isle of Man and are pleased to welcome them as gold corporate members of Sailing for the Disabled.
"Donations such as these are a crucial part of our fundraising efforts, which enable us to provide opportunities for persons with disabilities to participate in sailing on equal terms with their able bodied friends in a harmonious and safe environment."
More information about Sailing for the Disabled can be found on its website.
Pictured (l-r): Leanne Woodbridge, Marketing Coordinator for Moore Stephens Isle of Man; Martin Sewell; Charlotte Beeman, Marketing Executive for Moore Stephens Isle of Man; David Shadwell, Partner for Moore Stephens Isle of Man; and Ayuk Ntuiabane.