Barclays Wealth is to be the main Banking sector supporter for the next Manx Executive Challenge.
The Manx Executive Challenge is organised by the Chartered Institute of Management on the Isle of Man and is held every two years.
The last two Challenges have covered such varied topics as Isle of Man town centre regeneration, tourism, waste management, Manx produce and stress in the workplace.
Some of the recommendations of these reports have been influential in determining Government policy and strategy and the 2010 Challenge topics promise to be equally wide-reaching in their relevance to the Island’s economy.
Each of the teams unveiled their particular strategy at the launch last month. For the first time, this year's entrants will face one overall challenge from within a specific sector: public, private, charity and social.
Greg Ellison (pictured), Barclays Wealth Managing Director, comments "As a key Isle of Man employer, Barclays Wealth recognises the important role of projects such as the Manx Executive Challenge, to both the Island community as a whole and individuals. To fulfil the Challenge, participants will ideally show the necessary personal development, drive, ambition and potential to attain senior management status."
Chair of Manx Executive Challenge Ann Clayton, says, "We are delighted to welcome Barclays Wealth as principal Banking sector supporter in addition to the principal supporters, Tower Insurance, the Department of Trade and Industry and Hamblin.
"The Challenge is unique; an excellent opportunity for personal development and a chance to make a real and tangible difference to the future of the Isle of Man.
David Cretney MHK, Minister for Trade and Industry, comments, "The Challenge is a great way for the Island to showcase its talented business people.
"In order to remain competitive the Island needs employees who can be innovative as well as practical. The range of ideas and the breadth and depth of knowledge of the challengers never ceases to amaze me. I am sure that this year’s Challenge will be better than ever and I am proud that my Department supports this initiative."
For more information about the MEC, click here.