The Isle of Man Ship Registry has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Toko Maruraku Transportation Co. Ltd in Tokyo in order to facilitate the registration and related services to its growing number of Japanese clients.
The services that Toko Maruraku Transportation Co. Ltd can perform will include the registration of vessel and mortgage registration and the Isle of Man Ship Registry has agreed to provide all the necessary support in order for the mutually high standards of both parties to be maintained.
The relationship allows Toko Maruraku Transportation Co. Ltd to nominate appointed agents to act on behalf of the Isle of Man Ship Registry and they will have the authority to issue documents of the Isle of Man Ship Registry as well as verifying receipt of signed documents.
It means that for the first time, owners based in Japan and in other east Asian markets will have instant, real-time access to Isle of Man flag services and vessel registration issues on a localised basis.
Minister for Trade and Industry David Cretney, MHK commented, "I welcome the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ship Registry and Toko Maruraku Transportation Co, Ltd and look forward to new and existing clients in the Far East enjoying the high levels of customer service offered by both parties".
Dick Welsh, Director of the Ship Registry, added, "This Memorandum of Understanding represents an important step forward for the Isle of Man Ship Registry.
"Japan is a country we have proactively targeted with our marketing efforts, especially over the past year. This is starting to pay off with several new registrations being secured recently."