The Association of Corporate Service Providers has arranged a seminar on Thursday May 6 which will take the form of an update on HM Revenue & Customs’ (HMRC) campaign against offshore accounts, including proposals for notifying transactions with offshore centres.
The speaker will be Gary Ashford, a director of RSM Tenon and the firm’s national head of tax risk, disputes and investigations. He has previously worked as an HMRC corporate tax inspector and as a tax investigation specialist with Big 4 and Big 6 accountancy firms. He is chairman of the Chartered Institute of Taxation’s (CIOT) management of taxes technical sub-committee and a full member of the Institute’s technical committee. He is also author of the serious tax investigations chapters in Tottels Tax Investigations and TAXline (the monthly magazine of the Tax Faculty) tax planning and has recently written the TAXline guidance on information powers.
Mr Ashford’s presentation will include how the Island is being affected by current tax information exchange agreements (TIEAs), comment on HMRC’s ‘Tackling Offshore Evasion’ consultation paper, for which he is lead representative, an NDO (New Disclosure Opportunity) follow-up and an update on the Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility (LDF).
The seminar, sponsored by Barclays Wealth, will be at the Upper Hall, Loch Promenade Church, Douglas on Thursday May 6 with registration at 12 noon for a prompt 12.30pm start.
To book, contact Antonia King,