The Microgaming Health & Care Trust, recently launched its new website at a Manx Business Connection event, focused on ‘Life, Leisure Business. What are the odds?’.
The event was well attended by business people from across all sectors of the Isle of Man community, and was an opportunity to raise more awareness of the Microgaming Health & Care Trust and understand the similarities between life, leisure and business.
Chaired by Manx Business Connection Chairman and Microgaming Health & Care Trustee John Webster, the event kicked off with a presentation by Oxford University educated mathematician, and Intelligence Limited CEO Steve Woodford.
Mr Woodford gave a topical presentation on the importance of mathematics and statistical modelling for success in both business and everyday life and showed why a high standard of maths education was essential for the Island’s future.
Dr Roy Clague, Chairman, Microgaming Health & Care Trust, commented, "We were delighted to launch the Microgaming Health & Care Trust website.
"We felt there was a need for a more streamlined approach to the Trust application process. We wanted to combine this with a place where people could learn more about the Trust, the work we do, and how Manx registered charities, and local health and social care projects, can apply for funding.
"Requests for funding can now be applied for via our new online application form at
"The website also provides further information about the Trust, testimonials from those that have benefited from the Trust, the latest Trust news and useful life style information for health improvement."