The official portrait of former Chief Minister Tony Brown as Speaker of the House of Keys is ‘progressing well’ says the artist, Svetlana Cameron.
For Mrs Cameron the portrait is her second commissioned by the Office of the Clerk of Tynwald and will join her first, that of former MHK David Cannan as Speaker, in the House of Keys Chamber later this year.
Russian-born portrait artist Mrs Cameron works from her studio at her home in Braddan where Mr Brown attended a number of sittings. He is pictured wearing the Speaker’s robe and wig against a background depicting volumes of Acts of Tynwald that show dates of special significance to Mr Brown: 1981 when he entered the Keys; 2001 when he was elected Speaker of the House of Keys and 2011 when he retired as Chief Minister.
Mr Brown said: ‘Having seen some of Svetlana’s previous work it was clear she is a highly accomplished artist. Svetlana’s innate ability to combine professionalism with informality helped create an appropriate atmosphere that I believe is captured in the portrait. The sittings have been a very enjoyable experience and prompted fond memories of my time as Speaker of the House of Keys.’
Mrs Cameron said: ‘It was an honour to be invited to paint a second portrait for the House of Keys Chamber and a pleasure to work with Mr Brown. The components of the portrait are coming together well and illustrate, I believe, something of Mr Brown’s sense of humour as well as his respect for the traditions of Tynwald.’
Speaker of the House of Keys the Hon Steve Rodan SHK said: ‘Mr Brown’s portrait will become only the 12th to be hung in the House of Keys Chamber since the practice began in the late 1800s. Mrs Cameron’s work succeeds in capturing the sitter’s personality and the dignity of the office and I, together with my fellow Members, look forward to seeing the completed portrait.’
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