The lounge, living room or drawing room, has evolved in use as well as name over the years.
Current trends tend to favour a larger room with areas for living, dining and even a kitchen. This is an important room in your home and it is easy to appreciate how good lighting can improve your use and enjoyment of the space.
The opportunity to illuminate the different areas you are going to use by the most suitable lighting for that task will influence the atmosphere and therefore the mood of your family and guests. Having the flexibility to illuminate according to use, allows for an efficient use of energy, with other areas switched off or dimmed down for only spatial awareness. This means we do not have to consume much energy to create an effective scene and relaxing atmosphere.
Do you have an area that you can't decide how to light? Give us a call on 665801, or drop by our lighting demonstration area at the Old Bakery, James Place, Victoria Road, Douglas.