
Isle of Man Monarchs

by 19th May 2022

Isle of Man - Monarchs


Ancient Welsh kings ruled Mann from the 5th to the 9th century, whereas James Stuart, 7th Earl of Derby, became lord of Mann in the 1600s.


Anaraud Gwalchcrwn


Title: King of Ynys Manaw

Born: c. 650


Son of Mermin Mawr, Anaraud ('Anarawd' in Welsh, 'Anarod' in English and 'Anarodus' in Latin) supposedly inherited his throne in AD 682. Very little is known of his reign other than that he was succeeded by his son Tutgual.




Title: King of Ynys Manaw

Born: c. 590


Anllech ('Anllach' in Welsh, 'Anleck' in English and 'Anlacus' in Latin) was the son of King Tutgual and the great grandson of King Neithon - who established an independent monarchy on Man.


During his reign, a war occurred between King Cadwallon of Gwynedd and Edwin of Northumbria into which Anllech's island kingdom was drawn.


In AD 626, Edwin's army occupied the Island and made it a staging post for the invasion of Anglesey. The occupation ended with Edwin's death seven years on, and Anllech was reinstated as king. On his death, the throne passed to his son Cynin.




Title: King of Ynys Manaw

Born: c. 750


Guriat ('Gwriad' in Welsh, 'Guriatus' in Latin) succeeded King Elidyr map Sandde.
His best-known memorial on the Island is the famous Crux Guriat (Guriat Cross).


Guriat married Esyllt, daughter and heiress of King Cynan Dindaethwy of Gwynedd.


He was succeeded by his son Merfyn Frych ('the Freckled').




Title: King of Ynys Manaw

Born: c. 690


Iudgual ('Idwal' in Welsh, 'Idovellaunus' in Latin and 'Judwald' in English) was the son of King Tutgual map Anaraud.


Iudgual was the last Island king from the house of Ceretic Guletic, and his failure to produce an heir resulted in the throne passing to his sister Celemion and her husband, Prince Sandde of South Rheghed.


Mermin Mawr ('the Great')


Title: King of Ynys Manaw

Born: c.630


Mermin ('Merfyn' in Welsh, 'Mervin' in English and 'Marbinus' in Latin) succeeded his father Cynin as King.


He was considered a particularly significant monarch on account of his powerful navy, which carried out raids on the Ulster and Leinster coasts.


The Annals of Ulster give the date of his death as AD 683.




Title: King of Ynys Manaw

Born: c.530


Neithon ('Nudd' in Welsh, 'Nathan' in English and 'Natanus' in Latin) was the son of King Senyllt.


The loss of Galloway to King Urien of North Rheged meant that Neithon was the first king of an independent Isle of Man.


His son Rhun eventually succeeded him.




Title: King of Ynys Manaw

Born: c. 690


Sandde ('Sant' in English, 'Xanthus' in Latin) was a great grandson of King Llywarch Hen and heir to the lost kingdom of South Rheged.


When his wife Celemion inherited Ynys Manaw in the late 8th Century, the family transferred from Powys.


He ruled in his wife's stead and was succeeded by their son Elidyr.


Senyllt mab Dingat


Title: King of Galloway & Ynys Manaw

Born: c. 510


Senyllt ('Senild' in English, 'Seniltus' in Latin) was the grandson of King Tutgual.


It was during his reign, roughly around AD 550, that the Kings of Galloway were expelled from their mainland territory by the North Rhegedians under King Urien.


The defeated dynasty retreated to the Isle of Man, where it is thought they continued to thrive for generations.




Title: King of Galloway

Born: c. 467


Also known by the alternative names of 'Tudwal' (Welsh), Theowald (English) and Theodovellaunus (Latin), Tutgual was born circa AD 467.


As with many details regarding these early monarchs, the lineage of Tutgual is not entirely clear.


He was thought to have inherited a small share of the kingdom of Strathclyde from his father Cinuit, but it was his brother Dumnagual Hen ('the Old') who bore the title King of Strathclyde.


Tutgual was a pagan king who, according to the 'Life of St Ninian' by Aelred of Rievaulx, records that Tutgual opposed the settlement of the saint at Whithorn.


He was succeeded by his son, Dingat.


James Stuart, 7th Earl of Derby 


Title: Lord of Mann

Born: 1607


Raised in Knowsley, he became Lord of Man in 1627 following the retirement of his father from most public offices.


Of all the Stanleys, the Isle of Man played the greatest part in James' life - he was a staunch defender of the Royalist cause and resided in the Island in 1643 to preserve it as a stronghold.


James married Charlotte de Tremoille, by whom he had six children. She became famous as the successful defender of Lathom during an extended Parliamentary siege.


However his life was condemned by a Parliamentary Court Martial, and James was killed on the block at Bolton.

Posted by Yabsta
19th May 2022 7:33 pm.
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